Martin Kerr

Saturday • 5:00 pm

Main Stage (119 Ave & 93 St in the Grassy Field)

British/Canadian singer-songwriter Martin Kerr might be the only artist in the world to have played 400 live shows during the pandemic. When Covid-19 cancelled all his touring plans, he launched Stay Home Street Concerts to bring music and joy to the people who needed it the most. From driveways, balconies, and front lawns, every show finished with the whole street singing ‘You’re Amazing’, his uplifting, instantly singable hit, which climbed to #4 on the Spotify Viral Chart. His new album, Don't Listen To Me, was recorded across North America, in Vancouver, Nashville and his adopted hometown of Edmonton. His new band is diverse, energetic and spectacular, featuring musicians from around the world. Recently signed to Nettwerk records and releasing a new EP this summer, his latest songs are uplifting, family-friendly and encourage audience participation. Martin is one of Edmontons best known performers and is renowned for his engaging stage presence and uplifting sound.

Instagram: martinkerrmusic
Facebook: martinkerrmusic
Youtube: martinkerrmusic
Tik Tok: martinkerrmusic