Thank you 2016 Supporters and Partners

We couldn't have done it without you!

How does Kaleido create a free arts festival for our community every year? With the support of
an incredible arts community, excellent supporters, fantastic volunteers, and wonderful friends.
Thank you supporters, advertisers, partners, fellow community builders, and artists for believing in the vision and heart of the Kaleido Family Arts Festival. Your generosity is sincerely appreciated.

Kaleido 2016: Helping Hands

Thanks Stantec employees and Kaleido Volunteers!

“Community” was the theme and “getting it done” was the outcome when employees with Stantec worked the backstage of the recent Kaleido Family Arts Festival. Stantec employees, along with Kaleido volunteers, cleaned up the festival site and began organizing for Deep Freeze: A Byzantine Winter Festival (January 14 and 15, 2017).

Kaleido 2016: A BIG Thank-you!

Thank you all - what a fabulous weekend!

Thank you to everyone that came out to the Kaleido Family Arts Festival! It was a wonderful celebration of arts, family and community. A extra big thanks to all of the amazing performers and volunteers that helped make it possible. We couldn't do it without you! 

Volunteer Wrap-up Party!

Volunteers, please join us as we want to share our appreciation for you with a Wrap-Up Party! It is on September 27 at 6:30pm at Alberta Avenue Community League (9210 - 118 Ave). 

This event is only for volunteers - please RSVP by Sunday, September 25 in order to attend. Print or bring a digital copy of your ticket on Tuesday!



We can't wait until we see you next year - September 15–17, 2017.

Kaleido 2016: The Power of Song

Edmonton students experienced the opportunity of a lifetime courtesy of the Kaleido Family Arts Festival. One highlight of Kaleido’s ongoing partnership with the community is the contribution festival performers make to local schools. This year, American singer and songwriter Steve Seskin visited Highlands and Spruce Avenue schools. The Grammy-nominated songwriter motivated students to release their creativity through music and song. Seskin and students composed original songs and music, which they performed during Kaleido, September 11, 2016. 

Support Kaleido and help us through our $40,000 funding shortfall! Every dollar counts and we look forward to continuing our fantastic programming for our 2017 festival with your help!

Donate Now!